Archive for the ‘z883 radio’ Category

I know a lot of fans of Pastor Rick Warren,of the Saddle-Back Church. Pastor Warren is also the Author of the best selling Purpose Driven Life Series.

Since 1996, My purpose has always been to

“Live the life of a Champion and to always let my light shine.”

I was thinking over the weekend, off all the blessings and lessons, I’ve learned in my 20 years working in the Media. I’ve been talking to some friends I’ve known for years but haven’t spoke to in years in a while, on FACEBOOK and other places.

My Friend Tyler McKenzie is the Morning Co-Host for Positive Hits Z88.3, in Orlando Florida. She is the one who introduced me to Pastor Rick Warren’s Theology and Teachings, long before Pastor Warren became a household name. If you ever get a chance give Tyler and Ellis a listen on-line at

You’ll find that Tyler is truly a positive person with a truly Christian Purpose. Small world too, Because Tyler’s Husband is from my Childhood Home-Town, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Tyler’s introduction of Pastor Rick Warren got me to thinking, “why was I so blessed to have lived such a great adulthood”?

The answer was because I asked God for a purpose. I received it (although I didn’t know it at the time). When the going got rough, I Re-Purposed myself, until I eventually succeeded. Re-Purposing is something nearly anyone can do and it works.

What Is Re-Purposing?

Re-Purposing is the act of reapplying yourself to a stated mission or goal.

For example, if you want to get out of Credit Card Debt:

  1. Asses the damage. See how much is owed and how many payments it will take to pay off. DEBT WARRIORS offer a free and easy to use Credit Card Debt Calculator on the right side-bar of
  2. Examine your options wisely. A wise person once told me “it all starts with a question”. Ask yourself the tough questions like “what’s the worse that could happen?” or “is there a better alternative?” After you ask yourself some tough questions Re-Purpose yourself to never let the worst happen by using the best (most affordable and responsible) alternatives you can find to lower your debt.
  3. Make your financial decisions “On-Purpose”. Try not to make any decisions based on fear. Fearful financial decisions fail 90% of the time. Be clear about your alternatives and realize that worse case scenario, your credit score may be low for a couple of years. No worries, everyone still excepts cash.

Re-Purposing DOES NOT include the Following:

  • Being scared: Not of your Creditors, Lenders, Attorneys or Debt Collectors! You have rights! Be prepared to use them!
  • Ignoring the problems or claims: Watch your mail and check your voice messages. You could be sitting on $1,000 per every violation of your rights. Save any inappropriate messages from anyone attempting to contact you.
  • Allowing someone else to do your dirty work for you. It’s your battle you have to know how to engage the enemy “DEBT” in nearly a militarised way.

Now that you have an understanding of the need to Re-Purpose your life to get out of debt, feel free to hit us up with questions or comments about it.

Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto

I know a lot of fans of Pastor Rick Warren,of the Saddle-Back Church. Pastor Warren is also the Author of the best selling Purpose Driven Life Series.

Since 1996, My purpose has always been to

“Live the life of a Champion and to always let my light shine.”

I was thinking over the weekend, off all the blessings and lessons, I’ve learned in my 20 years working in the Media. I’ve been talking to some friends I’ve known for years but haven’t spoke to in years in a while, on FACEBOOK and other places.

My Friend Tyler McKenzie is the Morning Co-Host for Positive Hits Z88.3, in Orlando Florida. She is the one who introduced me to Pastor Rick Warren’s Theology and Teachings, long before Pastor Warren became a household name. If you ever get a chance give Tyler and Ellis a listen on-line at

You’ll find that Tyler is truly a positive person with a truly Christian Purpose. Small world too, Because Tyler’s Husband is from my Childhood Home-Town, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Tyler’s introduction of Pastor Rick Warren got me to thinking, “why was I so blessed to have lived such a great adulthood”?

The answer was because I asked God for a purpose. I received it (although I didn’t know it at the time). When the going got rough, I Re-Purposed myself, until I eventually succeeded. Re-Purposing is something nearly anyone can do and it works.

What Is Re-Purposing?

Re-Purposing is the act of reapplying yourself to a stated mission or goal.

For example, if you want to get out of Credit Card Debt:

  1. Asses the damage. See how much is owed and how many payments it will take to pay off. DEBT WARRIORS offer a free and easy to use Credit Card Debt Calculator on the right side-bar of
  2. Examine your options wisely. A wise person once told me “it all starts with a question”. Ask yourself the tough questions like “what’s the worse that could happen?” or “is there a better alternative?” After you ask yourself some tough questions Re-Purpose yourself to never let the worst happen by using the best (most affordable and responsible) alternatives you can find to lower your debt.
  3. Make your financial decisions “On-Purpose”. Try not to make any decisions based on fear. Fearful financial decisions fail 90% of the time. Be clear about your alternatives and realize that worse case scenario, your credit score may be low for a couple of years. No worries, everyone still excepts cash.

Re-Purposing DOES NOT include the Following:

  • Being scared: Not of your Creditors, Lenders, Attorneys or Debt Collectors! You have rights! Be prepared to use them!
  • Ignoring the problems or claims: Watch your mail and check your voice messages. You could be sitting on $1,000 per every violation of your rights. Save any inappropriate messages from anyone attempting to contact you.
  • Allowing someone else to do your dirty work for you. It’s your battle you have to know how to engage the enemy “DEBT” in nearly a militarised way.

Now that you have an understanding of the need to Re-Purpose your life to get out of debt, feel free to hit us up with questions or comments about it.

Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto