Archive for the ‘Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis’ Category

Last week, Americans realized that we are all exposed to hundreds of threats to our financial security. These threats are related to one specific Credit Predator – the Sub-Prime Credit Centipede.

The Sub-Prime Credit Centipede is a nasty organism that has at 100 legs attached to it’s long slithering body. The venomous bite of a Financial Centipede can be fatal in humans.

The Financial Centipede’s habitat is:

  • Credit Cards
  • Mortgages
  • Retirement Accounts
  • Investment Portfolios
  • Payday Loans
  • Deferred Interest Payment Loans
  • Personal Lines of Credit
  • Auto Loans and
  • Anywhere there are massive amounts of consumers willing to borrow money

7 Reasons To Fear The Sub-Prime Credit Centipede:

  1. The Foreclosure Bite of the 2007 Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis, has forced millions of hard-working, rich, middle-class and poor Americans out of their homes.
  2. It’s expected that by the end of 2008 over 3 million American homes will have been foreclosed on.
  3. Americans of every kind are facing the immediate threat of foreclosure.
  4. The mental stress assisted with Sub-Prime Credit and Debt has claimed the lives of some of it’s victims.
  5. Understanding the terms and conditions of Sub-Prime Credit Contracts is arbitrary and unfair.
  6. Credit Card rates are rising at an unprecedented pace.
  7. The bite of the Sub-Prime Centipede can ruin a Consumers quality of life.

Sub-Prime Credit Centipedes cunningly convince consumers to sign loans that are sure to paralyze the consumer. The bite of the Sub-Prime Credit Centipede, forces the consumer to drown in his or her own debt.

After the consumer is rendered helpless by their debt. The Financial Centipede will assign the Debt to it’s ‘Collections Department’. Collections will relentlessly attack to get the Debtor to pay all of the loan owed.

If Collections is unsuccessful, the next step is to assign the account to a Debt Collection Attorney. the Attorneys office will begin harassing the Debtor for the full balance of the Debt. If the Debtor cannot pay, the Attorney for the Financial Centipede WILL file a Lawsuit.

How To Protect Yourself Against the Financial Centipede:

To neutralize the threat of the Financial Centipede, you’ll need a The Ultimate Debt Elimination Download – the Debt Warriors Arsenal (Video Course).

Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto

DEBT UPDATE: Watch as the Today Show aired a segment on the proposed Mortgage Bail-out. CNBC’s Trish Reagan did an excellent job of reporting on the crisis. Below is DEBT WARRIORS response to this frightening proposal.

To watch the video on MSNBC click here

  1. Greedy Banks and Investment Firms used Predatory Lending Practices.
  2. The Government turned a blind eye again and again.
  3. These companies persuaded Americans to apply for loans that they wouldn’t be able to afford.
  4. The terms went often undisclosed by Lenders.
  5. Borrowers were mislead by the millions about what they’d have to pay.
  6. Felons convicted of fraud were allowed licenses to broker loans.
  7. Many Investment Firms sold these loans they knew were too risky.
  8. The People who lost their homes may not get any help.
  9. The free market = Less Restrictions + Higher Risk – Losses. The free market is a gamblers game. These Investment Banks gambled with their money, now they want to gamble with yours and mine!
  10. You and I won’t see a dime from all of any profits that are created.

These Investment Banks tricked and then kicked millions of people out of their homes, took position of those houses, drove down the values and ruined entire communities. Now that they can’t sell their homes they want to unload them on the American Public. Give me a break!

DEBT WARRIORS are opposed to this for many more reasons than 10. You would be too if you knew what we know.
Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Log onto

There are two very different choices for President this year. I’ve remained as neutral as possible, for as long as I can.

I’m not Stupid. It’s the Economy. Because of this, I’ve made a choice for President. My choice might make you angry. My Choice for President is NOT based on race, Gender or Sexual Orientation.

I was a strong Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul Supporter. So I – like you – are blessed with the ‘God Given Free Will’ to vote as we choose. But if you’re not stupid, it’s the economy. The Economy is our #1 priority.

I’m voting for Senator Barack Obama.

Both sides have policies and positions that I don’t agree with. Each Presidential Candidate offers opposite views on how to fix our economy. But only Barack Obama has ‘tried’ to address the Socioeconomic tragedy of America’s Economy.

Senator John McCain’s Top Advisor, Phill Gramm pulled a fast one on Americans. Former Senator Gramm slipped the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 [CFMA], under the door at the last minute in 1999.

The CMFA was introduced but never debated. President Bill Clinton signed the CMFA on 12/21/2000. The results still stunning the world economy including;

  • Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis
  • Job losses In America from Wall Street to Main Street.
  • An uncertain Economic Future for Billions – World-Wide.

It’s hard to believe, but AIG, Meryl Lynch, Countrywide Mortgage, and potentially thousands of lenders are loosing their shirts because they jumped on the Sub-prime Debt Wagon. But it goes back to the CFMA.

Discussing Politics and Economics is necessary. I intend to do it in ways that are like I was raised. No BS. There is no time to ponder lipstick on pigs. There is no time for a 9/11 style review that John McCain proposes.

I know how we got into this Economic mess – the CFMA. I know what it means for you, me and our Grandchildren if we don’t bring CHANGE to Washington.

I’m voting for Senator Barack Obama but the Debate is open. Who are you voting for? Is your vote based on the economy? Let us know.

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