Archive for the ‘credit repair’ Category

Do you have trouble reading your Credit Report?


Learn How To Safely Dispute and Repair Your Credit For Yourself

Discover how to safely dispute and repair your Credit for yourself!

Do your eyes cross in confusion while trying to understand the information listed on your Credit Report?

Reading a Credit Report can be intimidating and confusing, especially if you don’t know what you’re looking for.


What if you could cut through all the Credit Report confusion?

What if you could look at your Credit Report and immediately see what needs to be fixed?

In “Operation Three Credit Repair” (Video Tutorial), Debt Warriors make repairing your Credit (for yourself) as easy as 1-2-3. Debt Warriors provide the information about “do it yourself Credit Repair” that removes the intimidation factor.

There are greedy “do for you” Credit Repair Companies who will charge you anywhere from $50 to $200 per “Trade-line”.  And what do they offer for their hefty fee’s?  They offer more intimidation.  Do it for you Credit Repair Companies will take your fear all the way to the Bank.

On the other hand, Debt Warriors offer you a life-time of Credit Repair knowledge for only a one-time fee.  Operation Credit Repair will help you eliminate the confusion and repair your Credit with confidence.

It’s a little known fact that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) suggests that “self-help” may be best for those seeking to repair their Credit.  But what the FTC doesn’t tell you about is some of the tricks and traps that Consumers often encounter while trying to repair their Credit Reports.

For example, the FTC doesn’t tell Consumers that filing a dispute in the wrong way can lead the big three Credit Bureaus to ‘red-flag’ a complaint as “Frivolous”.  So how do you avoid having your complaint flagged as frivolous?

Order Operation (Self-help) Credit Repair (located in the Debt Warriors Arsenal)

I grew up in the Michigan where people have a popular saying when someone has run out of luck.

People would say “you’re sh*t out of luck” or abbreviated to “you’re SOL”. When I had children, I was informed that I should not say that to a child. Oops! My bad.

As it turns out, my eldest Daughter appreciated that time honored phrase. She was able to transform the phrase it to “sorry out of luck”. I was pleased that she understood the sentiment behind the profane statement. To my fault, my Daughter (who’s now an adult) uses the original version.

There is another SOL used for or against a Consumer. It’s called the ‘Statue Of Limitations’. The Statue Of Limitations on Debt Collection is based on a number of factors.

For now, let’s focus on the Debt Collection Time-Line
. I did a video about it. Want to see it? Click Below.

Watch the Debt Collections Time-Line Video on YOUTUBE by clicking here.

The video is only 1 minute 30 seconds. But here are some basics.

  • Time is of the essence regarding the Debt Settlement
    You have a certain amount of time to respond to every communication and make every move in a ‘timely’ manner. Failing to do so could not only leave you with fewer settlement options but also take you much longer to settle your debt.
  • Paying a debt that has passed the Statue of Limitations for Debt Collection is a mistake.

    We don’t say that in the video because we cover that in Operation Two: “Time-Check”.

  • Knowing the Debt Collection Process will be to your advantage. Knowing the Debt Collections Time-Line will prepare you for the worst case situations. DEBT WARRIORS Cadence is “BE PREPARED – NEVER SCARED”.
  • The Debt Collections Time is based on what we call the “30 Day Rule”.

For example, a Debt Collection terrorist may pursue Consumer forever. But they can only sue the Consumer if and when the debt has been ‘Validated‘. That debt generally has to be Validated within 30 days of receiving the Debt Collection Letter.

DEBT WARRIORS give honor to GOD for being blessed with the knowledge and technology to educate and prepare Americans to settle their debt for themselves.

We hope you’ll take the time to learn what we offer in our Credit Boot Camp Video Series. If not, we still wish you all the best.
Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State – for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

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I grew up in the Michigan where people have a popular saying when someone has run out of luck.

People would say “you’re sh*t out of luck” or abbreviated to “you’re SOL”. When I had children, I was informed that I should not say that to a child. Oops! My bad.

As it turns out, my eldest Daughter appreciated that time honored phrase. She was able to transform the phrase it to “sorry out of luck”. I was pleased that she understood the sentiment behind the profane statement. To my fault, my Daughter (who’s now an adult) uses the original version.

There is another SOL used for or against a Consumer. It’s called the ‘Statue Of Limitations’. The Statue Of Limitations on Debt Collection is based on a number of factors.

For now, let’s focus on the Debt Collection Time-Line
. I did a video about it. Want to see it? Click Below.

Watch the Debt Collections Time-Line Video on YOUTUBE by clicking here.

The video is only 1 minute 30 seconds. But here are some basics.

  • Time is of the essence regarding the Debt Settlement
    You have a certain amount of time to respond to every communication and make every move in a ‘timely’ manner. Failing to do so could not only leave you with fewer settlement options but also take you much longer to settle your debt.
  • Paying a debt that has passed the Statue of Limitations for Debt Collection is a mistake.

    We don’t say that in the video because we cover that in Operation Two: “Time-Check”.

  • Knowing the Debt Collection Process will be to your advantage. Knowing the Debt Collections Time-Line will prepare you for the worst case situations. DEBT WARRIORS Cadence is “BE PREPARED – NEVER SCARED”.
  • The Debt Collections Time is based on what we call the “30 Day Rule”.

For example, a Debt Collection terrorist may pursue Consumer forever. But they can only sue the Consumer if and when the debt has been ‘Validated‘. That debt generally has to be Validated within 30 days of receiving the Debt Collection Letter.

DEBT WARRIORS give honor to GOD for being blessed with the knowledge and technology to educate and prepare Americans to settle their debt for themselves.

We hope you’ll take the time to learn what we offer in our Credit Boot Camp Video Series. If not, we still wish you all the best.
Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself! Or, hire an affordable Attorney in your State – for less that $1 per day. DEBT WARRIORS Show you how. Call 866-576-4996.

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