Archive for the ‘Happy Labor Day 2008’ Category

Today Debt Warriors wish prosperity to everyone who works a long hard day to feed their family. Today we pray for those who may have lost their job recently.

Today we Ask God to bless those who’ve fallen off of their feet due to medical illness in their family. We ask that God bless those willing to look find work can find sustainable employment.

We realize that as Barack Obama said in his Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech recently. Individually we are “on our own”. We have a duty to self responsibility regarding our personal financial, credit and debt education issues. In the end excuses are no excuse. We can not solely trust anyone to ensure our financial prosperity. We must inform ourselves.

As Americans we have a duty to make to make sure that we are not needlessly or senselessly waiting for jobs to return to our communities. We must make new jobs for ourselves that give us the work / life balance that is critical to prosperity and success. We must combine our labor and our talents to bridge the wide gaps that exist between Boss and Worker.

We must make sure that our hard-earned dollars are not being stolen from us by our lenders without a fight! We must ensure that we are educated and informed about our accounts, the markets, terms and conditions and the multitude of critically important issues surrounding credit and debt. It is our individual responsibility to ensure our own financial security. For these reasons and many more, DEBT WARRIORS can not rest.

It is our duty to stand up to anyone trying to deny us of our rights as consumers and debtors. It is our right to seek Justice in the United States Court System.

We are uneasy but hopeful this Labor Day.
Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself!

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