Archive for the ‘Credit Management’ Category

What changes to Credit Cards are going into effect today? Keep reading today’s article to find out.
1. The first of three phases of the Credit ‘CARD Act’ go into effect today.
Starting today, Credit Card Companies will have to send Consumers interest rate increases at least 45 day’s in advance of the increase. Within the 45 day period, the Consumer can “opt-out” of the rate increase.
2. The is no limit to the amount of interest that can be charged on Credit Cards.
One of the down-sides to the Credit CARD ACT, is that there is no established ‘Usury Limit’. Usury is just a fancy word for Interest. This means that the Credit Card Companies, can charge almost as much interest, as the Card Holding Consumer, will let the Card Company get away with.
That’s why it’s so important for Consumers to not fear engaging in combat with the Credit Card Companies for lower rates.
3. Fixed Interest Rates may be discontinued.

Debt Warriors sources report that Fixed Rate Credit Cards may be a thing of the past. Because of the Credit CARD ACT, many lenders are not offering any Fixed Rate Credit Cards. What this means is that every Credit Card holder should be concerned about their rates being raised.
4. Minimum Monthly Payments Are Being Raised.

For years the standard minimum monthly payment was about 2% of the total ‘Outstanding Balance’. Not anymore! Credit Card Companies are now requiring at least a 5% minimum monthly payment.
Actually this is not that bad of a change. For years I have advocated for Card Holders to make bigger monthly payments. So I think making bigger payments is actually a good thing.
There are many other CARD ACT provisions that go into effect in February 2010. Feel free to subcribe for Debt Warriors email updates, listen to Debt Warriors Radio, or follow us on twitter.

DEBT WARRIORS™ are not Attorneys. WE ARE experienced Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt “Self-Help” video course, Personal Finance, and information products.

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~ J. Carlton Ford,

“Charge-Off”.  That word is frighting and mysterious,  for many.

Even intelligent and educated people don’t know what to expect regarding a charged-off credit account.

As a Consumer, you may not be able to prevent your accounts from being Charged-off.  With this economy, many very intelligent Americans are being laid off.  Unemployment makes it very difficult to pay your utilities or buy food – let alone Credit Cards,  Auto Loans,  or the Mortgage or rent.

If you are suffering from the stress of Charged-off accounts, today I’m going to work hard, to help you relieve your stress about the charged-off accounts  and take you one step closer to winning your war on debt.

Thanks for stopping by today 🙂

“What is a Charge-Off?”

In essence a Charge-Off is a way for Creditors to CYA – “Cover their Assets”. But if you’re the technical type, here’s a solid definition:

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Don't Let Debt Defeat YOU! Subscribe for Updates.

A Charge-Off is the removal of an account from the Creditors records as an asset.  The Charge-off usually occurs after a outstanding Debt has not been paid or is late  (“delinquent”), for a certain amount of time (usually after 180 days).

“What initiates a Charge-Off?”

That depends largely on a number of factors.  The two most common are;

1.) Internal company policy and 2.)  U.S. Government Regulation.”  For example, In the case of Credit Card Debt, the Charge-Off time period is usually six months (or 180 days) after no payment is received.

The Creditors  usually Charge-Off  “bad debt” account(s) so the Creditor can then write-off the bad debt.  Creditors “Write-Off” bad debt to get tax breaks.

“What Happens After a Debt is Charged-Off?”

After a Charge-Off the Creditor has to report the balance of the bad debt to the Big 3 Credit Bureaus ( aka CRA’s); they are; Equifax, Experian and Trans-Union.

But Please Beware?

Just because a debt has been Charged-off  by the Creditor, it does not mean that the Creditor will stop making attempts to collect the debt. In fact, it’s quite the opposite :(.  Creditors and Debt Collectors have some rights with regards to collecting Debts.

Most importantly, as an American Consumer, you have more rights and it’s easy to proctect them (for yourself) 🙂

After a Consumers  debt has been written off (Charged-off) and the money owed reported as bad debt, usually the Creditor will sell or assign the outstanding Debt Balance,  to a 3rd Party Debt Collector  to collect on.


When the War On Debt Begins

Once the debt is reported as bad and sold to a Debt Collector, be clear – the War On Debt has begun. Once the War begins, all heck breaks loose on a Consumers Credit Reports.

Sometimes two or more Debt Collectors will attempt to collect on the same account.

Often I’ve seen the same account being collected on by two different Debt Collection Agencies (Dirty Debt Terrorist!).  Many Debt Collectors will use immoral tricks.  For example,  like “illegally re-aging an account”.

Other Debt Collectors try to entice or coerce a Debtor into admitting the debt (thereby “Legally re-aging” the account”). Often Debt Collectors will try to get Debtors to make a small “good-faith” payment on the account to re-age it.  Once the account is legally re-aged, the clock on Statute of Limitations will be reset.

Debt Warriors go over this in detail in OPERATION TWO “Time-Check”, in the Debt Warriors Arsenal!

Can Consumers Can Be Sued For Charge-offs?

Short answer; YES! Consumers can be sued after a debt has been Charged-off.  While I was at the Bankruptcy Prevention Law Firm I saw how fast a $5,000 Credit Card Charge-Off  would get into the Hands of  a Debt Collection Attorney.  Once a Debt Collection get’s the Charged-off account a Court Date is often in the works to collect.

“In my professional experience any Charge-Off over $1,000 may very well get you sued for the Charge-off.”

That is why it’s important to take Charge-offs’ seriously.  This is not to say surrender to a Charge-off.  Just the opposite.  If you are dealing with a Charge-off you are actually in the best position to negotiate and settle that debt for pennies on the dollar 🙂 The Debt Warriors Arsenal is the down-load that teaches you how.

“What is there to Fear From Charged-Off Debt?”

Charged-off  account left unchecked,  can be like a Missile of Debt,  headed directly into your life.  The damage of a charge-off can hurt you financially for many, many years.  Remember also that a Charged-off Account can go Legal fast, in the hands of an Attorney.

“Can a Charged-off  Account Can Be Settled?”

Short answer; absolutely 🙂 !  And that’s why we’ve produced the DEBT WARRIORS ARSENAL (to teach American Consumers how to settle their debt for themselves).

Don't Let Debt Defeat YOU! Free Yourself From Debt!

Don't Let Debt Defeat YOU! Free Yourself From Debt!

Think about this?

A.)  The Creditor has given up hope of collecting the past due balance.  B.)  The Creditor has  written the debt off to receive tax breaks, and C.)  the Creditor assigned or sold the Debt to a Debt Collector (aka junk debt buyer) to collect on.

“What is the Upside of Charged-off  Debt?”

Once you’ve settled a Charged-off debt, usually the Creditor or Debt Collector will list the Debt as “Paid Settlement” on your Credit Report 🙂

The ability to settle a Charged-off Debt  is one of the many reasons why Debt Warriors have produced the Debt Warriors Arsenal.

In 5 easy to understand Operations, Debt Warriors walk you step-by-step through the process of negotiating and settling your debt for “pennies on the dollar”.

What is the tried, tested and secret formula for applying for a new Credit Card?
Everyday Americans are feeling the rejection of Creditors. But I don’t want you to feel reluctant to apply for new Credit (especially) if you are already dealing with disappointing Terms and Conditions for Credit.
The video below, from the “Credit Card Medic Debt Elimination Video Course” reveals the secret formula to apply for new Credit in a safe and responsible way.

I wanted to share with you the standards for applying for a new Credit because there are “other” methods others have tried to use that have back-fired on them.
My years of experience helping hundreds of clients reduce their Credit Card Debt is the basis for this video.
Don’t be deterred from winning your War on Debt. Feel free to follow us on Twitter.

Don’t be disturbed by rejection – Defeat the cause instead.
The tested and trusted formulas for applying for Credit in a safe and responsible way are right here. Debt Warriors Do It Yourself Debt Management Video Courses, Forms and Software inform you of what tactics to use to heal your Credit and Defeat your War On Debt.
Join the Army of Americans choosing to not to surrender, but to WIN their WAR on debt!
Debt Warriors ARE experienced Do it yourself Credit Repair and Debt Management, Negotiation and Debt Settlement Coaches. WE teach American Debtors how to manage and settle their debt (for themselves). J. Carlton Ford is not an Attorney. The information on this blog, should not be considered legal advice. Debt Warriors offer helpful Credit and Debt “Self-Help” video course, Personal Finance, and information products.
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