Archive for the ‘Stop Credit Card Abuse’ Category

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Debt Warriors Encourage You, To Take Action and Spread the Word About 2 New Credit Card Reform Bills”

Right now, there are two new Credit Card Bills, in your Lawmakers hands. The time to act is now!   Debt Warriors call on you to not be numb to what is happening in our Government in the next couple of weeks.

If  You are a Credit Card Holder Your Financial Future Could be at Stake

You’re Probably Eager to get a  quick Briefing on what Debt Warriors are encouraging you to do:

Shocked By Success

Today Debt Warriors were pleasantly shocked when we  found out (from our friends at Americans For Fairness In Lending), That the Credit Card ACT, and the Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights Have been Approved!

If you’re a Credit Card Holder, and you are  exhausted trying to pay off your Credit Card Debt, you won’t find me being bashful about what Debt Warriors has helped accomplish.  You should know we’ve been supporting our friends and Allies from day one.

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Why Should You Support These 2 New Bills Into Becoming Laws?

The Credit Card ACT as well as the Credit Card Holders Bill of rights Would do 3 things:

  1. Stop Double-Billing Cycles,
  2. Force Credit Card Issuers to send bills at least 21 days before the payment due date, and
  3. End late fee’s if  the Consumer mailed payment at least 7 days before the due date.

Does Your Lawmaker Support HR. 627?

If you want to see who is (or isn’t supporting) the Credit Card Bills click here.

If you want to send a letter to tell your Lawmaker to support the Credit Card Act: click here

Here are the Top 15 Most Common Signs That You Are Handcuffed By Debt

1. The balance on your credit card is increasing while your monthly income is decreasing.

2. Your only paying the bare minimum on your credit card if even that.

3. You’re juggling bills. Your using credit cards to pay off “other” credit cards.

4. You have more credit cards then a gambler has poker chips.

5. You are very close to the limit on all of your credit cards.

6. You have started receiving phone calls from bill collectors.

7. You have no choice but to use credit cards for food and other necessities.

8. You use your card because it is your only source of money.

9. You are taking money out of your savings/retirement to pay off your monthly bills.

10. You are hiding your bills and purchases from your significant other.

11. You’re playing the card game by signing up for every credit card that sends you an unsolicited offer.

12. You have lost your job or know you are about to and have no idea on how you are going to pay off your bills.

13. You consistently charge more each month than you make in payments.

14. You have no idea how much you are really in debt and don’t want to know.

15. You have to work overtime just to keep up with your credit card payments.

Do you have a debt sign that is not covered on this list? Feel fee to leave a comment to add your number

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Here are the Top 15 Most Common Signs That You Are Handcuffed By Debt

1. The balance on your credit card is increasing while your monthly income is decreasing.

2. Your only paying the bare minimum on your credit card if even that.

3. You’re juggling bills. Your using credit cards to pay off “other” credit cards.

4. You have more credit cards then a gambler has poker chips.

5. You are very close to the limit on all of your credit cards.

6. You have started receiving phone calls from bill collectors.

7. You have no choice but to use credit cards for food and other necessities.

8. You use your card because it is your only source of money.

9. You are taking money out of your savings/retirement to pay off your monthly bills.

10. You are hiding your bills and purchases from your significant other.

11. You’re playing the card game by signing up for every credit card that sends you an unsolicited offer.

12. You have lost your job or know you are about to and have no idea on how you are going to pay off your bills.

13. You consistently charge more each month than you make in payments.

14. You have no idea how much you are really in debt and don’t want to know.

15. You have to work overtime just to keep up with your credit card payments.

Do you have a debt sign that is not covered on this list? Feel fee to leave a comment to add your number

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