Archive for the ‘Shopaholics Anonymous’ Category

Marie is currently $35,000 in credit card debt.

She has a blended family two children of her own and her husband has one child. Marie pleaded for help. She admitted that she’s a ‘Shopaholic”. After reading Marie’s cry for help I realized that she’s not the only Shopaholic that I know.

A Staford University study found that 17 million Americans are compulsive shoppers [“impulsive buyers”]. Nearly half of all Shopaholics are men.

Shopping Addiction causes Divorce. Psychology Today found that conflicts over money and spending is the #1 cause of divorce. My ex-wife’s spending habits were the cause of many heated conflicts in my marriage.

Here are 13 ways to tell if you’re a Shopaholic. Ask yourself the following 12 questions “YES” or “NO” honestly :). If you answer YES to more than 7 of 13 questions, you have compulsive shopping issues that may need to be worked out.

1. When I have money, I spend it – saving is for nerds. _____

2. I buy on impulse regularly. _____

3. Shopping is my way of relaxing. _____

4. Something inside me pushes me to go shopping. _____

5. I won’t feel ‘normal’ if I haven’t or don’t go shopping this week. _____

6. I Make more purchases than I should – it’s my guilty pleasure. _____

7. I hide some (if not all of my purchases) from my family and friends. _____

8. I lie about the price I paid for an Item to my family and friends
to hide my shopping addiction. _____

9. I’m easily tempted into buying. _____

10. I consider every sale
even if I (or my family members) don’t need, can’t afford or
won’t use the products or services. _____

11. My credit cards are maxed out due to my shopping
and spending habits. _____

12. I over-shop. I buy more than I need and I USUALLY don’t
need all that I’ve purchased. _____

13. I don’t make a budget – I know I WON’T to stick to it. _____

Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself

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Marie is currently $35,000 in credit card debt.

She has a blended family two children of her own and her husband has one child. Marie pleaded for help. She admitted that she’s a ‘Shopaholic”. After reading Marie’s cry for help I realized that she’s not the only Shopaholic that I know.

A Staford University study found that 17 million Americans are compulsive shoppers [“impulsive buyers”]. Nearly half of all Shopaholics are men.

Shopping Addiction causes Divorce. Psychology Today found that conflicts over money and spending is the #1 cause of divorce. My ex-wife’s spending habits were the cause of many heated conflicts in my marriage.

Here are 13 ways to tell if you’re a Shopaholic. Ask yourself the following 12 questions “YES” or “NO” honestly :). If you answer YES to more than 7 of 13 questions, you have compulsive shopping issues that may need to be worked out.

1. When I have money, I spend it – saving is for nerds. _____

2. I buy on impulse regularly. _____

3. Shopping is my way of relaxing. _____

4. Something inside me pushes me to go shopping. _____

5. I won’t feel ‘normal’ if I haven’t or don’t go shopping this week. _____

6. I Make more purchases than I should – it’s my guilty pleasure. _____

7. I hide some (if not all of my purchases) from my family and friends. _____

8. I lie about the price I paid for an Item to my family and friends
to hide my shopping addiction. _____

9. I’m easily tempted into buying. _____

10. I consider every sale
even if I (or my family members) don’t need, can’t afford or
won’t use the products or services. _____

11. My credit cards are maxed out due to my shopping
and spending habits. _____

12. I over-shop. I buy more than I need and I USUALLY don’t
need all that I’ve purchased. _____

13. I don’t make a budget – I know I WON’T to stick to it. _____

Don’t Let Debt Defeat you! Settle Your Debt For Yourself

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