Archive for November, 2009

Do you have a pile of Credit Card Debt that you’re trying to get rid of? If so, you may have considered a Balance Transfer to another Card.

Have you considered a Balance Transfer, but are concerned about getting the Balance Transfer wrong?  If so, keep reading today’s post, as Debt Warriors share a valuable secret to prevent the pain that can come with a Balance Transfer gone wrong.


Promotional vs. Standard APR

Know The Standard A.P.R.

Many people get into Credit Card Debt trouble by not knowing what the ‘Standard APR’ is after the Promotional Rate ends.

You may have heard of ‘Teaser Rates’ for Mortgages.  Well, the same applies for Credit Cards.

Many Credit Cards offer ‘Promotional Interest Rates’.

Often these Promotional Rates range from 0% up to 9.99%.  In addition, often the Promotional Rates (just like any other Promotion) only lasts for a certain amount of time (generally six months to one year).

After the Promotional Rate ends, the Standard Rate kicks in.  As you can see from the chart, the Standard APR can be anywhere from 10% all the way up to 16% (sometimes higher).

Many Credit Card Holders are shocked when they realize that the Promotional (“Teaser”) APR is now much higher than they’d imagined.  That is because most people don’t know what the Standard A.P.R. will be once the Promotional Rate ends.

To avoid this happening to you when you do a Balance Transfer to another Credit Card, make sure that you at least understand the “range” of what the Standard A.P.R. will be before you accept the Credit Card that you intend to transfer the balance to.

Debt Warriors cover exactly how to properly do a Balance Transfer in our Credit Card Medic Video Course. In one easy to understand video tutorial, you’ll be able avoid the pain that so many face when looking to do a Balance Transfer from one Credit Card to another.

Now there is no need to worry about transferring a balance to another Credit Card.  The Credit Card Medic Video Course takes all of the worry out of reducing your Credit Card Debt for yourself 🙂

To learn more about the Credit Card Medic Debt Reduction Video Tutorial click here.

Mark Hoyte was being Robbed. What made it so tragic is that the crime Mr. Hoyte fell victim to,  is considered ‘legal’

How is it that you can be legally robbed by a Lawsuit?  Legally Robbed? I know it sounds like an ‘Oxymoron’ or a contradiction. The truth is,  everyday,  thousands of Americans  are being sued – for Credit Accounts and Debt that they rightfully don’t owe!

Today, Debt Warriors are going to warn you about a tragedy that very well can happen to you.  The good news is that you halt these would-be robbers – in their tracks.  You’ll learn what it takes prevent being legally Robbed by Lawsuit.

Have you ever heard of  “Pressler and Pressler”?

If not, beware and  on guard if they contact you. Pressler and Pressler is among the thousands of Debt Collection Law Firm that Debt Warriors estimate exist.  First the Debt Collection Law Firm’s are ‘Assigned Debt Accounts’.

Assigned Debt’s Are usually ‘Charged-Off’ Credit Accounts

A Charge-Off is when a Creditor gives up hope of collecting on the account(s). After an account is ‘Charged-Off’ it is Assigned to a 3rd Party (Debt Collection) Law Firm to attempt to collect.

In other cases really old Debts are bought by Junk Debt Buyers.  These Accounts and their Debt have long passed the ‘Statute of Limitations for Collection. Common examples are: Credit Cards, old cell phone bills, etc.

About two years ago one of Debt Warriors YOUTUBE Subscribers sent us a message asking us to “do some videos on Pressler and Pressler”.  Below is a video of a MY9 NEWS  investigation of Pressler and Pressler.

New York Times Exposes Law Firm’s Irresponsible Court Tactics

This week, The New York Times reported the story of  Mr. Mark Hoyte of New York, NY.  Pressler and Pressler claimed that Mr. Hoyte owed $919 for a Credit Card Debt.  The problem was that Mr. Hoyte was the wrong Mark Hoyte.

Pressler and Pressler had contacted the wrong person, yet were intent on collecting money this Mark Hoyte did not owe.  Pressler and Pressler had the wrong:

  • Social Security Number
  • Birthdate
  • Person

This situation would be hillarious if  it were not so serious.  Pressler and Pressler filed a Law Suit against Mark Hoyte, even after Mr. Hoyte told them that the Law Firm had the wrong man.

The New York Times Investigation of  Mark Hoyte’s claim uncovered what Debt Warriors have been saying for years.  Debt Warriors have been warning people,

Debt Collection Terrorist are usually Junk Debt Buyers who often retain Law Firms to harass, threaten and intimidate Consumers into paying debts that the Consumer’s often don’t owe.

Once the Debt Collection Terrorist gets their hands on an account the Debt Collector is relentless at collecting the Debt. Often the Consumer (or alleged Debtor) does not owe on the account or does not owe the amount claimed.

Judge Noach Dear

The Honorable Judge Noach Dear (New York)

Mr. Hoyte was lucky in that he had an Ally.  Judge Noach Dear (pictured right), was wise enough to realize that Mr. Hoyte was not the person who owed the Debt.

Judge Dear was about to dismiss the case until he realized that Mr. Hoyte had taken a day off from work to defend himself against Pressler and Pressler’s false allegations.

Judge Dear ordered Pressler and Pressler to pay Mr. Hoyte $115 in lost wages for having to take the day off to go to Court. The Lawyer representing Pressler and Pressler grilled Mr. Hoyte as to why Mr. Hoyte did not prove that he didn’t owe the Debt.

Mr. Hoyte responded that he told the woman who contacted him that “they had the wrong man”.

OPERATION ONE: Stop Debt Collector Harassment

Stop Debt Collection Law Firm Harassment: Order Your Debt Warriors Arsenal

This is why Debt Warriors have produced Operation One, “Stop Debt Collector Harassment”.

Telling a Debt Collection Terrorist that you don’t owe the Debt will not stop them from harassing Consumers.

It’s up to the Consumer to Validate the Debt.  In Operation One, Debt Warriors take you through the tried, tested, and true step of Debt Validation.

You don’t have to wait in fear to be sued for a Debt that you may not owe.

Operation One, Stop Debt Collector Harassment will take you step-by-step through Debt Validation in one easy to watch and follow video course.

Learn how to stop a Debt Collection Law Firm from robbing you over a questionable Debt. Order Operation One: Stop Debt Collector Harassment.

What is Binding Mandatory Arbitration “BMA?

Civil Justice Group, People Over Profits, defines BMA as “Tricking People Out of the Right to a Trial by Jury”.

What does this have to do with Credit Card Debt?

BMA Clauses are in many Credit Card Contracts, as well as Auto Loans, Cell Phones, employment contracts, Mortgages, contractor agreements.

A BMA Clause requires that any disputes that arise will be resolved via 3rd Party Arbitration.  On the surface BMA seems like a win/win. It’s really a lose / win – YOU LOSE and the Creditors win. o 86% of the time the Arbiter, takes the side of the business over the consumer.

How does a  BMA Clause Work?

Businesses hire these Arbitration Companies. Next the business will place a BMA into their contracts. If you sign that contract, you just gave up all right to have your day in court. In many cases, you also give up your rights to joining a class action Lawsuit.

For example; let’s say you were cheated by Credit Card Company.  Let’s say they, overcharged you, and double-billed you.  If your contract with the Creditor has a Mandatory Arbitration Clause, you have given up your right to a fair trial by Jury. You have to accept whatever the Arbiter decides.

Word to the wise, please beware of BMA Clauses?